[s-cars] lower door trim....

Pollock, Thomas thomas.pollock at amd.com
Fri Apr 13 14:21:12 EDT 2007


so here's the current list of folks who mail me with interest for lower door trim. Looks like 11 definites on FULL sets (all four). 4 with interest in partial sets, and 2 waiting on pricing. Seems good enough to get pricing... so thats what I'm going to do. At this point NOTHING  is in stone, we're just seeing what kind of price break we can get...  (besides as I mentioned last week somone pointed out to me that ECS tuning has WICKED good deals on these trim pieces. So good, maybe even the dealer can't match!)

I hope to hear back from my parts buddy by early next week and I'll let you all know what the deal is... in the meantime, here's out list...

Tom Pollock		thomas.pollock at amd.com			1 set (all four pieces)		
Robert Rossato		bob.rossato_af at cox.net			1 set (all four pieces)		
Dean Ferrera		dino at PressOut.org			1 set (all four pieces)		
Don Smith		proydsmith at sympatico.ca			3 sets (all four pieces)		
Sean Douglas		quattro20v at telus.net			1 set (all four pieces)		
James Murray		james.murray at ericsson.com			1 set (all four pieces)		
James Shackelford		93urs4 at rovershack.com			1 set (all four pieces)		
Jeff Posto		posto at comcast.net			1 set (all four pieces)		
Larry Leung		larrycleung at gmail.com			1 set (all four pieces)		
Mark Rivera		mrivera at webcats.net			driver door (front)		
Marc Gorelick 		marc at frogville.net			rear doors only		
Lee Levitt		lee at wheelman.com			front doors/trim ?		
kenneth chin		kennethmchin at gmail.com			front doors		
Steve Young		sryoung at trane.com			depends on price		
Stott Hare		share at bluetarp.com			depends on price		

4A0 853 959 01C	LEFT FRT DOOR		
4A0 853 960 01C	RIGHT FRT DOOR		
4A0 853 969 01C	LEFT REAR DOOR		
4A0 853 970 01C	RIGHT REAR DOOR		

tom.  (hoping this is readable)

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