[s-cars] lower door trim....
Sean Douglas
quattro20v at telus.net
Fri Apr 13 19:00:11 EDT 2007
Hi Tom:
Can you include the 4 small pieces that go on the front/rear fenders as well
as the little end caps? Let me know if you need the part numbers.
Quoting "Pollock, Thomas" <thomas.pollock at amd.com>:
> S-doods...
> so here's the current list of folks who mail me with interest for lower door
> trim. Looks like 11 definites on FULL sets (all four). 4 with interest in
> partial sets, and 2 waiting on pricing. Seems good enough to get pricing...
> so thats what I'm going to do. At this point NOTHING is in stone, we're just
> seeing what kind of price break we can get... (besides as I mentioned last
> week somone pointed out to me that ECS tuning has WICKED good deals on these
> trim pieces. So good, maybe even the dealer can't match!)
> I hope to hear back from my parts buddy by early next week and I'll let you
> all know what the deal is... in the meantime, here's out list...
> Tom Pollock thomas.pollock at amd.com 1 set (all
four pieces)
> Robert Rossato bob.rossato_af at cox.net 1 set
(all four pieces)
> Dean Ferrera dino at PressOut.org 1 set (all
four pieces)
> Don Smith proydsmith at sympatico.ca 3 sets (all
four pieces)
> Sean Douglas quattro20v at telus.net 1 set (all
four pieces)
> James Murray james.murray at ericsson.com 1 set
(all four pieces)
> James Shackelford 93urs4 at rovershack.com 1 set
(all four pieces)
> Jeff Posto posto at comcast.net 1 set (all
four pieces)
> Larry Leung larrycleung at gmail.com 1 set (all
four pieces)
> Mark Rivera mrivera at webcats.net driver door
> Marc Gorelick marc at frogville.net rear
doors only
> Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com front
doors/trim ?
> kenneth chin kennethmchin at gmail.com front doors
> Steve Young sryoung at trane.com depends on
> Stott Hare share at bluetarp.com depends on
> 4A0 853 959 01C LEFT FRT DOOR
> 4A0 853 960 01C RIGHT FRT DOOR
> 4A0 853 969 01C LEFT REAR DOOR
> 4A0 853 970 01C RIGHT REAR DOOR
> tom. (hoping this is readable)
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