[s-cars] dead pig

David Kase davekase at pdqlocks.com
Mon Apr 16 12:19:12 EDT 2007

ECU fuse.

Dave Kase
recently revived e//S2

Bill Mahoney wrote:

>I gotz three bloks from home today and was slowly (really) pulling away from
>traffic light whenst the pig just plain died and would crank but not
>I’m thinking POS gone south?
>Don’t think cps can die while the car is running.
>My coils are separately fused so don’t think its that.
>Since it died instantaneously, don’t think it’s the fuel pump.
>Anyway thank you AAA and now the pig sits at the mechanic who appears to be
>either on vaca or attending some P event.
>Any thoughts on what to check first?  
>Pretty (ed)weirdo:/
>Bill~back in the cabrio~M

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