[s-cars] replacing motor and transmission mounts

Mark Turczyn mkturczyn at verizon.net
Mon Apr 16 21:35:07 EDT 2007

At 4:44 PM -0700 4/16/07, Theodore Chen wrote:
>the mounts are in pretty sad shape, and i just got some new ones.
>any tips on the replacement?  i looked for writeups but didn't find any.
>is this a straightforward repair?


I just did mine a two weeks ago just before I found my real problem 
to be a dry front CV joint on my drive shaft.

The mounts are straight forward.  Jack up the front and remove the 
plastic tray.  The left side front is out in the open so no issues. 
I used a floor jack to keep the weight off of the mount.  When 
installing the new mount you will need to raise up the motor up 
another half inch.

The right front is a tad more tricky but you can get the top bolt 
under the turbo from the front of it.  Once you remove the hardware 
you have to play a little bit with the mount to get it out.

The rears were very straight forward.

I wish I could tell you more but they did not require any real tricks 
to replace them.  I did not even remover the front wheels.
Mark Turczyn

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