[s-cars] '95.5 Avant FS in CT - repost

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Apr 17 11:00:28 EDT 2007

Coupla weeks back I'd posted about a local friend selling a '95.5 Avant
and it was spoken for immediately.  It didn't pan out as the buyer
didn't want to deal with some scuffing down the passenger side I was
unaware of, so it's back available.

Green / black, 135k, one owner, bone stock.  Aside from needing the RR
bumper cover sprayed, a slight burn to the RF fender lip paint, and 1/2
dozen odd dent wizardable dings, the car is awesome, VERY solid and VERY
clean, everything works.  2 sets of wheels (16" Avus mit SP Sport 8000s
/ 15" steelies mit Blizzaks).  

Car needs a bomb and a valve cover gasket.  Central CT - $9k.  Email me
for my full "Paul report" on the car if yer interested.  If you HAVE
emailed me and I've not replied (Steve M. / Rich?) - I reply to ALL
emails - means I didn't get it as I've been having email issues here
lately.  Please try again.


-Paul friends with cars K.

ps.  sorry Steve Y! 8-)

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