[s-cars] dead pig (update)

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Tue Apr 17 12:33:34 EDT 2007

Make sure you have a (valid) signal off the camshaft position sensor.   If 
you have no codes, not a MAF IME. and you can unplug a MAF and the car will  
start.  It'll run like crap but it starts.  Pull the coil pack cover  and lay it 
on the engine, ck for spark.  Spark off 2 or 3 and none off the  other?   
change the plugs at the POS, get the others?  POS  problem.  Spark off all 5, you 
have spark.  No spark off any?  Ck  if Vagcom reads ECU, if it does, chances 
are you have a bad CPS.

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