[s-cars] SPEC Clutch Blues

brian bilotti vinnieb2 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 17 18:08:25 EDT 2007

S-Brain Trust,

I gotta bad clutch. This was a Stage 3+ with a LWF.
Both SPEC. Since being installed this clutch has mad a
screeching sound when given larger quantities of
throttle and letting it out slowly, like on a hill or
just wanting to accelerate from a standstill.

Clutch got pulled again and new quide sleeve
installed. Other one was pretty mangled. Fast
forward... Got car back, noise still there but not as
frequent then with about 3000 more miles on it the
thing just went, poof, massive tach dance. 

Now i'm subjected to doing the bump and grind through
traffic and stop signs? Ha, I'm just hating to come to
a complete stop.... Hopefully get it replaced next
week :-(

Anybody had this kinda weirdness? Feel free to share



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