[s-cars] "The Aluminum Crowd" / Current UrS prices
pkrasusky at ups.com
pkrasusky at ups.com
Wed Apr 18 08:49:26 EDT 2007
Dave comes closer to considering maybe possibly thinking about the
chance of someday //S8'ing:
<<<Paul "Bobbed,"
Just don't "Bob it" raises yet more questions...
I 'spose you're right... and perhaps I should give it a try. I
just can't imagine braking into a corner without downshifting. In fact,
I'm so totally acclimated to stick cars, I have (on several occasions)
nearly put myself through the windshield "clutching" a rental car's
brake pedal by accident.
Ever since Ronan, I have been enthralled by the car. I guess I
should just ask the parts geeks... there must be a 6 speed retrofit that
could be accomplished with relative ease, and off the shelf parts.
Then there's that annoying Audi V8 problem... they don't sell
rebuild parts for the bottom end of those engines. That shouldn't even
be legal.
[Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)] >>>
Ummmmmmmm... "Bob'n it" refers to driving a car in what's ahem
SAID will be a manner that is not as "nutty as Paul would" but then
secretly is soverymuch soveryJNR moreso. Doesn't help the car also now
proudly don's it's "This Car's Been Serge'd" bumper sticker. D'oh.
Yes, try a few actually, they vary. I totally hear your
concerns, it's a matter of adjusting your driving style. However, the
Tip box does allow you some flexibility. I don't click off 5 to 3
downshifts on the highway to engine brake (cough BOB cough BOB), unless
that is there's damn good reason to not want my brake lights lit (BTDT),
but, Tip is good for holding the gear. I usually brake first to scrub
the speed then catch it with a downshift and pitch it into the turn from
there (did I mention the brakes are fantabulous???).
It's very gratifying / rewarding really - not so much so maybe
as rev matched downshifts, but entertaining nonetheless. Fellow stick
diehard Rossato still begrudges the shitomatic regardless after 2 now
outofstate roadtrips I've forcibly designated driver'd him on (whattapal
I am)... but I think he secretly covets one despite his facade -
roadside barnyard animal detainments be damned (bwhahahahaad'oh). Doubt
he'll admit it thou, least yet 8-).
And I cannot over emphasize the "other" factors. The car is
near //Superlative in ohsomany aspects. It exudes awesomeness just
looking at it, let alone sitting in it, let alone driving in it. And as
recently noted, let alone partaying in de backseat heh heh. For me with
3 kids and a nonstick(car) driving wife, this is a no brainer, even tho
I'm alone in it 95% of the time.
There's a guy Gabor in OH on AW D2 that fab'd up a 6spd install
for his '97 A8. Custom driveshaft and pedal box were part of it, and it
seemed quite a bit of fab work was the order of the day. Not for der
squeamish in other words, def. not plug 'n play or even remotely close,
unfortunately. But, it's been done. Hmmm.
I'd figure with the miles you cover out there Davey and the ahem
'way' I know you drive and with the cars you've had / have - this would
be a real good fit fer you. And I'm with you (as I'm sure so many here
are) - Ronin was nails in my f'n coffin - I vowed to have one after
that. //Saltino exclamated en-route to NYIAS Sat., that sitting there
shotgun whilst Bob or I repeatedly WOT 7,250'd - "hey I feel just like
I'm in Ronin", as in being in the movie. My suspicions of them mic'ing
the intake snorkel were confirmed, there's a website I had bookmarked
and now lost that featured screen shots from every frame of the filming
of the movie and showed the rigging on the snout.
My daily soundtrack is now that muwhahahaha. Day in, day out,
every shift, every stomp of der funpedal. Oh yeah.
Dayum - didn't know that about Audi V8 lower ends - unreal but
why am I not surprised??? F'n Audi. Wow. That's f'n painful. Well,
hope to never need to test that thar fact uh uh...
-Paul Nike K.
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