[s-cars] The scam...NAC

David Kase davekase at pdqlocks.com
Thu Apr 19 12:28:11 EDT 2007

If someone out there is sick of this, tell me and I will take it off the 
list.  I just know you guys are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to 
things that just don't matter.  ;-)


-------- Original Message --------
(1Z352A920191796291) via UPS
Date: 	Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:59:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: 	Micheal Dixon <michealdixon750 at yahoo.com>
To: 	davekase at pdqlocks.com
CC: 	davekase at pdqlocks.com

*/Hello David Kase,
    Thanks for the mail, Since you have gotten the check i want you to 
go and have it cashed out now! at any currency exchange or your Bank 
and  make sure you deduct your sale cost and the extra $20usd we 
promised you got keeping the Car safety for our shipping company agency, 
you are to send the remaining balance via Western Union or Moneygramm to 
the shipping company agency manager wiring information below for the 
booking shipment of the car at your resident you don't need to worry 
yourself about the shipping okay here is all the necessary information 
you need  get the shipper's funds withdraw today in your bank and have 
it transfer online or any western union outlet to below address to the 
shipper co, manager:/*
*/Name:- Paul Allen
Address:-231 Dantokpa Marche
City::- Tokpa
Country:-Republic of Benin
E-mail Address:- /**/Paulallen247 at yahoo.com/* 
<mailto:Paulallen247 at yahoo.com>

*/Kindly Return to me with a Well Scanned Western Union Reciept or 
Western Union Transfer Deatils Such as Below..
Money Transfer Control Number(MTCN# i.e 10 digits)
Exact Amount Sent After All Western Union and Bank Charges
Sender's Full Name and Address
Reciever's Full Name and Address
Test Quest And Test Answer: Q: Color Ans: Blue/*
*/i would want you to get back to me asap with this above information 
from Western Union ok....
I do hope hearing back from you soonest...ok
Thanks and God bless u....

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos. 

David Kase
Engineering Manager
PDQ Industries
717-656-8749 (f)

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