[s-cars] Worthy projects (was Alum..was UrS $)

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Sat Apr 21 18:29:24 EDT 2007

I too love watching the insanity of it all, but I do admit I miss Rod's  
tweeking of the "Hapersize" ascription.  Miss Piggy needs a diet.  I'm  not sure 
if anyone remembers, but Tap had built a couple of urs4 race cars, one  of 
which I got to do a couple runs in.  After taking them up to Mid OH for  a show 
and tell quattro club event, the whole project was pretty much scrapped  from 
lack of interest.  What does this mean?  Miss Piggy on a diet is  not an 
attractive date.  After a ride in her anorexic state, I must  agree.
So, for those who choose to doll her up, the only real choice is a lot of  
makeup sex.  Unfortunately, that makes her an expensive fat date on heels,  as 
I'm sure Mssrs Pederson and McGuire can attest.  
I don't agree that we need the eggs.  I find that proving miss piggy  can be 
fast wastes good eggs in the process.  A lot of folks accept the  fact that 
miss piggy is a great machine, and put their fun dollars elsewhere,  places that 
give more $/pleasure roi.  The nationalism and pride of MP as a  mistress has 
high entertainment value, but it really is not a dual purpose  machine.  At 
the track, she can fly to the next turn with the best of them,  but then those 
huge hips have to turn at the end of that straight.  At  which point (as 
exactly what happened to one of my urs6 customers with a very  well endowed Miss 
Piggy in the toilet bowl at Grattan) a 951, A41.8t, or some  other such 
pestering fly, will take the inside line without the slightest chance  of touching 
shoulders, and move on.
The urs is one of my favorite rides.  But without the big block, it's  really 
tough to justify more than a stage 1 chip.  That's because all the  other 
doll ups, can be done to the chassis, and make it just as good as the  420hp 
version everywhere it counts (in the turns).  A reality that all  owners should 
face and don't.  I used to be pretty avengilical about this  foolishness, but 
then several years ago, I watched a set of 1500lb clydesdales  pull a sled full 
of cement the distance to the awe and cheers of an enthusiastic  crowd.  To 
each his own I agree, but comparos are ascribed, not  ignored...  This forum is 
no exception.
Scott Justusson
In a message dated 4/21/2007 4:02:50 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
pmische at comcast.net writes:

After  all, this is the "Dancing with Miss Piggy" group.  If I wanted support 
on A4Q hot rodding (how ordinary) I'd go to a different watering  hole.

There's no real need for "my-project's-better-than-yours",  because they're 
all ridiculous - none of our car machinations really make  any sense at all. 
Unless you're doing real racing it's all just fun; even  for those in the 
thin air at the pinnacle of real motorsports it doesn't  make much sense. 
It's ALL just an interesting exercise - everyone makes  their own choices and 
builds their own junk or gets it built, to satisfy  some dark inner urge.

Some guys put twin blower motors on a Farmall  tractors and pull weighed-down 
sleds, some people do luge  Who would  do this??  I watch with wonder.  I 
love Hap's insane  off-the-chart windmill jousting - perhaps there are 
projects that make  more sense, but then why bother?  Try to make a big girl 
like an  s-car dance?  Why do we keep trying?

We need the  eggs.



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