[s-cars] Worthy projects (was Alum..was UrS $)

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Mon Apr 23 12:19:31 EDT 2007

Not sure I agree.  Drive a tweeked S60R and your perspective of the  world 
changes.  Even 4 pison rear calipers on really big rotors,  the only other time 
I've seen that, is looking at the Hapermobile a couple years  ago as it sat 
busted in Tufty's shop from too much boost...    The S  car is mainstream as it 
gets in comparison, whatever you chose to do to  it.  Stepping out of the 
mainstream by the manufacturer, THEN tweeking, has  been proven at volvo, mistu, 
acura, bmw ( the latest twin turbo I6?  Watch  out boys!), and others, some as 
long or longer than the S (Dinan has had some  wonderful toys for years before 
these S car "qships").
I didn't pick Qship(Q) because it sounded good, or it looks congruous on a  
license plate.  I like my rides that way.  Maybe the difference  is that I 
appreciate a lot of others built that way too.
Oh, yea, and those POS are still POS, and they still haven't put a ignition  
switch behind the key that works (my project today)
Reality *and* a stained quattro shirt.  
In a message dated 4/23/2007 10:08:46 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
pmische at comcast.net writes:

Easy there, big fella.  The cars you mentioned are mainstream, known  fast 
cars.  S-cars are less known and more stealthy and  more Q-ship-like, in my 
eyes.  I certainly don't mean to imply  you're a mainstream guy, or not crazy, or 
likely to do conventional  things.  My comments are directed along the line of 
things you've stated  in this thread, they extend no further than that.
Now suck the coffee off your shirt & let's get back to work!   I've got an S6 
with a blown POS to fix....


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