[s-cars] Worthy projects (was Alum..was UrS $)

JR audiurs4 at mailforce.net
Mon Apr 23 19:36:46 EDT 2007

I can't figure out how you can go so fast that you never have to make 
u-turns.  That doesn't make sense.  Yeah suburbans turn tighter than 
semis, but that doesn't mean suburbans have a good turning radius does 
it?  By that rationale the S60R should come with free suburban rental 
vouchers for life so when you get fed up with it you can rent one to 
forget that your car can't turn around any better than a 747.  U-turning 
is a fact of life sometimes.  He cares about the turning radius because 
it's embarrassing to have to hold up traffic to turn, backup, turn some 
more and then go or end up driving on the curb during a u-turn.  He also 
has to be selective about parking because the lousy turning radius makes 
it hard to park.  This is a daily driver, not a track car.  Is it too 
much to ask that the car be able to make a reasonable u-turn or park 
normally?  He doesn't track the car, but if he did I'd have to wonder 
how it would do around a hairpin turn.  It's that bad.  There's more to 
driving a car than mashing your right foot down.

Don't take my word for it.  Google "s60r consumer reviews" or "s60r 
turning radius" and see what other owners say.


W.G. Giles wrote:
> The Volvo S60R is a great car I know because I worked the US launch  
> back a few years ago and I would buy one to replace my S6 if I had  
> to.  Who cares about the turning radius as you will be going to fast  
> to do a U turn anyway.  If you rent a suburban a couple of times a  
> year you will think the S60R has a great turning radius.  I am  
> working with BMW right now launching the new X5 (Great for a SAV),  
> and have driven the 335i  TT and it is very cool.  As time goes on it  
> will be a real good tuner, just not AWD yet.
> W.G.
> On Apr 23, 2007, at 2:20 PM, pkrasusky at ups.com wrote:
>> Welllllllllllllll...  trying to think what I've got up me grubby  
>> little
>> sleeve here.  Likely the F430BF1 at some point as my (now former)  
>> client
>> keeps threatening to let me at it.  Then the 997GT3RS come August.
>> Otherwise, it's whatever spontaneously happens to erupt - never know.
>> Maybe a hybrid Camry, some Hyundai, Kia, Accord, Corolla - not.
>> What is known is it'll be JNR - that much is a given.
>> I do look forward to an S60R outing at some point.  Gots to happen.
>> Glad you enjoy my dribble Scott!  I seem to be finding less and less
>> time these days to have at it, but do what I can 8-).  I try to break
>> things up over @ AW D2 forum, but most goes right over basically
>> everyone's heads there.  Nothing like you guys here certainly!
>> Don't be a stranger around here now...
>> -Paul
>>   _____
>> 	From: QSHIPQ at aol.com [mailto:QSHIPQ at aol.com]
>> 	Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 11:16 AM
>> 	To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK); s-car-list at audifans.com
>> 	Cc: scarsgo at gmail.com
>> 	Subject: Re: Worthy projects (was Alum..was UrS $)
>> 	Keep it up Paulie!
>> 	Do know too, that my S2 Rally driver really wants to put an S40
>> rally car together.  I have contacted Haldex directly, and they can
>> program that goofy hydraulic thing to be whatever we want.  It can be
>> done in any of them now, and I hear the new saab will have this  
>> ability
>> as well (thru Rod Haney no less!).  The days of torsen haven't been
>> ditched either, Toyota has put a *locking* torsen in the center of the
>> 4runner for a couple years.  A much better approach IMO, than the wide
>> TBR Stasis offers.
>> 	Don't let the NAC scare you off sire, sharing of the ride, in
>> all those JNR (tm PK) terms, convey a sense of fun *and* a baseline
>> understanding of performance that frankly, only masochistic flogs of
>> Miss Piggy can deliver.
>> 	I enyoy great stories and of great rides Paulie.  Sharing them
>> is what it's all about IMO.  I thank you for your commitment in doing
>> so, and know from my 'Top Ten' (tm - SJ), that writing them takes time
>> and effort.  Worthy of read my friend, I hope you have started a  
>> trend.
>> Sticking around for you?  Ok I lied, but I promise to read your  
>> next JNR
>> column of insanity!
>> 	SJ
>>   _____
>> 	See what's free at AOL.com
>> <http://www.aol.com?ncid=AOLAOF00020000000503> .
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