[s-cars] Worthy projects (was Alum..was UrS $)

calvinlc at earthlink.net calvinlc at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 24 01:19:29 EDT 2007

>I won't say its a better S car.  I will say volvo took a pretty good  swing
>at making a better one out of the box

I have to agree with you there, Scott.  If they could just improve the AWD
system and make it easier to work on and a little larger.

As far as the POS comment and CPS comment goes, I have 165k on mine and
never had a problem with either part.  I keep waiting, but it doesn't
happen.  That's another problem is that I have owned this car for >85k miles
and the darn thing hardly ever breaks anything.  It's been the most reliable
car I have ever owned....I don't think I've heard many turbocharged Volvo
owners say that in anything later than the 740, but I only know a handful of


-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of QSHIPQ at aol.com
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 10:11 PM
To: audiurs4 at mailforce.net; sportquattros1 at mac.com
Cc: pkrasusky at ups.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Worthy projects (was Alum..was UrS $)

I read a couple comparos just now, all of them compare this to the audi
lineup.  Big tires will rub, S cars are limited to 245's, my v8 sports  255.
anyone that's lowered a S car with wide tires also rubs  them.  Not good for
factory car?  I say put the widest damn good  looking wheel and tire combo
you can, screw the turning radius.  Take a low  speed turn at full lock in a
torsen car, it makes noises that I find scarey,  that's normal too (the
worst is
the 91 90q IMO, but the S car does  it).   The neu S4 has a oil filter that
sits out right where the right  road yump will crack the housing, btdt x 2

POS, coil packs, cam position sensors, inner control arms, REAR LAT  LINKS.
The S certainly racks up some of it's own PITA list.  Get me  an AAN motor
that doesn't eat POS, I'd trade cut my turning radius in  half.  Get me a
motor that actually codes a bad cam position sensor  every time, I'd trade
cut my
turning radius by a third.

It's a legit comparo in my perspective, it's an attempt to give the
to almost exactly what most S car guys tweek to do.  All in a  package that
looks good, inside and out.

I won't say its a better S car.  I will say volvo took a pretty good  swing
at making a better one out of the box

In a message dated 4/23/2007 9:58:09 P.M. Central Standard Time,
audiurs4 at mailforce.net writes:

It's all  good.  I can over look little things, but that would irritate
the  heck out of me every time I had to u-turn.  Personally if I'm going
to spend that much on a car I'd want to be able to u-turn and park
easily.  What is the reasoning behind making it that way  anyway?  It's
not all bad though.  The car does haul when you  get on the gas.  I love
the way the car looks too.  My friend's  is the gray exterior with the
orange baseball glove colored leather  interior and blue gauges.  It is
gorgeous.  Nice polished rims  and huge brake rotors peeking through
them.  Other than the turning  radius it's also too low for my taste.  He
can't go into any ANY  parking lot or driveway without scraping.  Also do
your tires rub in  the wheel wells when you turn the wheel all the way
right or left?   His does and the dealer told him it's normal.  I
searched the web and  found one other account of the same thing happening
on a non modified  S60R.  I find it hard to believe that it was designed
to do  that.  My last gripe with the car is that the engine note has no
soul.  I can live with that though.   :-P


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