[s-cars] Worthy projects (was Alum..was UrS $)
W.G. Giles
sportquattros1 at mac.com
Tue Apr 24 08:15:00 EDT 2007
I do not own one right now but I do not remember the tires rubbing on
any of the 16 cars we had at the introduction I would tell your
friend to go to another dealer and or call Volvo customer service for
further assistance. As for engine sound it has the same sound as a
Audi I-5 Turbo with a moded exhaust in stock form just not as loud.
It certainly sounds better then my S6 did in stock form. I have
heard one with a moded exhaust and it sounds just like a moded S4-S6.
On Apr 23, 2007, at 11:58 PM, JR wrote:
> It's all good. I can over look little things, but that would
> irritate the heck out of me every time I had to u-turn. Personally
> if I'm going to spend that much on a car I'd want to be able to u-
> turn and park easily. What is the reasoning behind making it that
> way anyway? It's not all bad though. The car does haul when you
> get on the gas. I love the way the car looks too. My friend's is
> the gray exterior with the orange baseball glove colored leather
> interior and blue gauges. It is gorgeous. Nice polished rims and
> huge brake rotors peeking through them. Other than the turning
> radius it's also too low for my taste. He can't go into any ANY
> parking lot or driveway without scraping. Also do your tires rub
> in the wheel wells when you turn the wheel all the way right or
> left? His does and the dealer told him it's normal. I searched
> the web and found one other account of the same thing happening on
> a non modified S60R. I find it hard to believe that it was
> designed to do that. My last gripe with the car is that the engine
> note has no soul. I can live with that though. :-P
> JR
> W.G. Giles wrote:
>> JR I think you can not smell the sarcasm! I also think that if
>> the turning radius is the only thing that keeps you from owning a
>> car you are very short sighted. I have many miles in this car,
>> Street, track, and auto x style tracks and did not feel the
>> turning radius was bad. I test cars and launch cars for a living
>> and do know that there is more to driving then going fast, I can
>> find fault and good with any car out there I just chose to focus
>> on the positive over the negative. I am still convinced that it
>> is the best modern interpretation of the 92-95 S4-S6 out there.
>> I am sorry if I have ruffled any feather out there but it is how I
>> feel.
>> W.G.
>> On Apr 23, 2007, at 7:36 PM, JR wrote:
>>> I can't figure out how you can go so fast that you never have to
>>> make u-turns. That doesn't make sense. Yeah suburbans turn
>>> tighter than semis, but that doesn't mean suburbans have a good
>>> turning radius does it? By that rationale the S60R should come
>>> with free suburban rental vouchers for life so when you get fed
>>> up with it you can rent one to forget that your car can't turn
>>> around any better than a 747. U-turning is a fact of life
>>> sometimes. He cares about the turning radius because it's
>>> embarrassing to have to hold up traffic to turn, backup, turn
>>> some more and then go or end up driving on the curb during a u-
>>> turn. He also has to be selective about parking because the
>>> lousy turning radius makes it hard to park. This is a daily
>>> driver, not a track car. Is it too much to ask that the car be
>>> able to make a reasonable u-turn or park normally? He doesn't
>>> track the car, but if he did I'd have to wonder how it would do
>>> around a hairpin turn. It's that bad. There's more to driving a
>>> car than mashing your right foot down.
>>> Don't take my word for it. Google "s60r consumer reviews" or
>>> "s60r turning radius" and see what other owners say.
>>> JR
>>> W.G. Giles wrote:
>>>> The Volvo S60R is a great car I know because I worked the US
>>>> launch back a few years ago and I would buy one to replace my
>>>> S6 if I had to. Who cares about the turning radius as you will
>>>> be going to fast to do a U turn anyway. If you rent a suburban
>>>> a couple of times a year you will think the S60R has a great
>>>> turning radius. I am working with BMW right now launching the
>>>> new X5 (Great for a SAV), and have driven the 335i TT and it
>>>> is very cool. As time goes on it will be a real good tuner,
>>>> just not AWD yet.
>>>> W.G.
>>>> On Apr 23, 2007, at 2:20 PM, pkrasusky at ups.com wrote:
>>>>> Welllllllllllllll... trying to think what I've got up me
>>>>> grubby little
>>>>> sleeve here. Likely the F430BF1 at some point as my (now
>>>>> former) client
>>>>> keeps threatening to let me at it. Then the 997GT3RS come August.
>>>>> Otherwise, it's whatever spontaneously happens to erupt - never
>>>>> know.
>>>>> Maybe a hybrid Camry, some Hyundai, Kia, Accord, Corolla - not.
>>>>> What is known is it'll be JNR - that much is a given.
>>>>> I do look forward to an S60R outing at some point. Gots to
>>>>> happen.
>>>>> Glad you enjoy my dribble Scott! I seem to be finding less and
>>>>> less
>>>>> time these days to have at it, but do what I can 8-). I try to
>>>>> break
>>>>> things up over @ AW D2 forum, but most goes right over basically
>>>>> everyone's heads there. Nothing like you guys here certainly!
>>>>> Don't be a stranger around here now...
>>>>> -Paul
>>>>> _____
>>>>> From: QSHIPQ at aol.com [mailto:QSHIPQ at aol.com]
>>>>> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 11:16 AM
>>>>> To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK); s-car-list at audifans.com
>>>>> Cc: scarsgo at gmail.com
>>>>> Subject: Re: Worthy projects (was Alum..was UrS $)
>>>>> Keep it up Paulie!
>>>>> Do know too, that my S2 Rally driver really wants to put an
>>>>> S40
>>>>> rally car together. I have contacted Haldex directly, and they
>>>>> can
>>>>> program that goofy hydraulic thing to be whatever we want. It
>>>>> can be
>>>>> done in any of them now, and I hear the new saab will have
>>>>> this ability
>>>>> as well (thru Rod Haney no less!). The days of torsen haven't
>>>>> been
>>>>> ditched either, Toyota has put a *locking* torsen in the center
>>>>> of the
>>>>> 4runner for a couple years. A much better approach IMO, than
>>>>> the wide
>>>>> TBR Stasis offers.
>>>>> Don't let the NAC scare you off sire, sharing of the
>>>>> ride, in
>>>>> all those JNR (tm PK) terms, convey a sense of fun *and* a
>>>>> baseline
>>>>> understanding of performance that frankly, only masochistic
>>>>> flogs of
>>>>> Miss Piggy can deliver.
>>>>> I enyoy great stories and of great rides Paulie.
>>>>> Sharing them
>>>>> is what it's all about IMO. I thank you for your commitment in
>>>>> doing
>>>>> so, and know from my 'Top Ten' (tm - SJ), that writing them
>>>>> takes time
>>>>> and effort. Worthy of read my friend, I hope you have started
>>>>> a trend.
>>>>> Sticking around for you? Ok I lied, but I promise to read
>>>>> your next JNR
>>>>> column of insanity!
>>>>> SJ
>>>>> _____
>>>>> See what's free at AOL.com
>>>>> <http://www.aol.com?ncid=AOLAOF00020000000503> .
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