[s-cars] CV Joint Boot Clamp Special Tool

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 24 21:16:51 EDT 2007

--- tr0910 <tr0910 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Andy on AudiWorld <http://www.audiworld.com/tech/misc27a.shtml> suggests:
> 15. Clamp the boot, using the special tool. If you don't have one of these
> in your garage--be creative.
> I don't have a special tool, and I guess I am not very creative.  It looks
> like the clamps need a lot of compression.
> What did you use??

i would get the oettiker clamp pliers.  they aren't very expensive at
your local auto parts store.

however, you can do the job with dull diagonal cutters.  i have a pair
of cheap diagonal cutters with the cutting surfaces dulled by a file.
i use it to access oettiker clamps that can't be reached with the
oettiker clamp pliers i have (they require a lot of room in the plane
of the clamp).


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