[s-cars] Brake system/hydraulics system Warning
Carlos Fangmeier
prohto at vtr.net
Wed Apr 25 09:04:52 EDT 2007
Hi Cole
Thanks to your advise I found this web page, with instruction to test
the break system http://20v.org/brakprob.htm#bomb. But none of the test
was successfully. In my car the alarm is only triggered when the Tº goes
over 90C.
I changed the break fluid to, but the problem continues.
Now I don't know if there is a faulty sensor or the engine shouldn't run
over 90C.
Best regards
P Cole wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Mar 2007 20:27:36 +0000, Carlos Fangmeier wrote:
>> Hi everybody, this is my first post to this list, I hope somebody can
>> help me.
>> I own a audi S4 '94 and for a time ago I'm getting the Brake
>> System/Hydrulic System warning. I checked both fluid levels and they are
>> ok. How can I check if the "operanting pressure of hydraulic brake
>> servo" (instruction manual ) is too low?
> These cars have an accumulator (hydraulic ) in the brake booster system. It's known on the
> list as a "bomb" because that's what it looks like ( about 3" in diameter, round with hose
> attachments) When these fail the booster/accumulator system pressure sensor will trigger the dash
> light.
> Initial indications sometimes have the light flashing only occasionally.
> For full symptoms and fix do a search in the archives on "bomb" fix.
> The brake light (check) in the system can be triggered
>> Another information about this warning, it always goes on when the
>> temperature reach around 95§C
> The break pressure is influenced by temp. My 200 20vtq does this too.
>> Best regards
>> Carlos F.
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> //************************
> Paul R. Cole:
> '83 Urq Helios Blue ( SAR) #900335
> '91 CQ Indigo Mettalic Blue, 143k miles- daily driver
> '91 200 TQ 20v- still going strong @335+k!!. Old cars-84x2 CGT, 89 200tq
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> pcole at mn.rr.com # Powered by OS/2 Warp 4
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