[s-cars] geyser (was Re: What to rule out before CPS)

Mark Strangways StrangConst at rogers.com
Fri Apr 27 08:08:50 EDT 2007

Yeah, these cars can be so thoughtless.

Wednesday, I got home from work after a day of driving around the city. Had 
some low boost problems, I felt I could here boost bleed off at about 16PSI 
or so.
So, as I am about to start removing hoses for a pressure test I just 
eversolightly brush the coolant afterrun pump.
It splits.... green geyser forms.
Luckily they are easily (and effectively) clamped by them cheap spring 
clamps (for woodworking).

And now... the clutch doesn't hold at high boost anymore, but it does make 
for easy launches..

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Theodore Chen" <tedebearp at yahoo.com>
To: "Audi S Car List" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 5:00 AM
Subject: [s-cars] geyser (was Re: What to rule out before CPS)

> --- bill mahoney <airbil at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Vincentimo,
>> I'm sure you have a gp/b CPS on hand for such a time as now. or
>> you could move into the s-bitch and just never turn 'er off?
>> Really, hard/no start is classic cps and if not, 130k out of one has been 
>> a
>> good deal.  A new one now could save ya later.
> it's stories like this that make me very happy that i replaced the CPS
> when i did the timing belt recently.  thank you, vincent.  :)
>> Remember; we hate these s-bitches whenst broke but
>> when they run well, they run very, very well.
> true.  this evening, i decided to replace the bulbs in the climate 
> control.
> i drove the car into the driveway and parked in front of the garage door.
> got out and went inside to get the new bulbs.  i came back and stood in
> front of the car while looking through the parts i'd bought for the.
> as i stood there, steam began rising from the hood and rapidly got 
> thicker.
> i opened the hood and watched coolant gush out from around the passenger
> side of the engine, near the exhaust manifold.
> how off-putting.  i loosened the coolant cap to release pressure and stop
> the geyser, and then went ahead with the bulb replacement.  the engine
> was still too hot for me to work on it afterwards, so i parked the car.
> i'll deal with it this weekend.
> i think it's probably the coolant return hose from the turbo.  it's just
> a rubber hose clamped onto a nipple screwed into the block, and came from
> 034 motorsport as part of the garrett turbo install kit.  i've had 
> problems
> with leakage from that place before, although it was never this bad.
> at least it happened in my driveway.  if it had to happen, there's no 
> better
> place.  i would not have been happy if it had happened 45 miles away in
> oakland yesterday evening.
> -teddy
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