[s-cars] 50/50 mix of ATF and Acetone beats Kroil etc. by a mile

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Fri Apr 27 10:30:08 EDT 2007

Hash: SHA256

So, my Scottish heritage likes the cost/benefit ratio. However, the  
commercial bug spray versions come pressurized, allowing one to spray  
the part right above one's face while lying on your back under the  
car working on the suspension (so it can drip back in your face,  
dontchaknow). How do you spray something that is 50% acetone? Nalgene  
squeeze bottle? The styrene-based sprayer heads from your Windex  
bottle would have a short but messy life trying to spray anything  
with acetone in it. My mis-spent youth building fiberglass boats and  
torturing polyester-resin-aware newbies shines thru here (hey, kid,  
finish off your coffee and use your styrofoam cup and go get me a bit  
of acetone from the drum in back...).
- -Ian Duff.

On 26 Apr, 2007, at 22:11, Mike Claire wrote:

> Who would have thunk....
> Mike
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Pete Chandler <pchandler at prou.com>
> To: mercedes at mercedeslist.com
> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 10:53:19 AM
> Subject: [MB] Liquid penetrant test
> Hi guys.  Here is some interesting info to test various liquid
> penetrants.  This was taken from a machining site.  Thought I would  
> pass
> it along for your consumption.  This is from the Vintage Jap MC list.
> The "test" was using a Baldwin compressometer set on 1200-pound  
> scale to
> determine the load required to move a "dowel pin" on 6 identical
> setups.
> Since ASCII plain-text email tends to "move around", the three columns
> which follow may get messed up, but here goes...
> Oil used_________________Avg load(Lbs)to move pin______price/oz
> HomeBrew 50-50, ATF&Acetone______53___________________$0.10
> Kano Kroil_______________________106__________________$0.75
> Liquid Wrench____________________127__________________$0.21
> PB Blaster_______________________214__________________$0.35
> WD-40____________________________238__________________$0.25
> none_____________________________516__________________$0.00
> Interesting, huh.
> Pete Chandler
> '93 300E 2.8 130k not rusted stuck
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