[s-cars] 93 S4 X-Plug

Vincent Frégeac s.sikss at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 10:13:52 EDT 2007

"(Of course now that I have tempted the Audi gods I am sure the plug
will let go on the way home from work)"

Audi gods are not that nice. You should rather expect a major failure with
fluid spitting all over the engine on the next Sunday you're in the middle
of nowhere and your cell battery is dead. That's how Audi gods love it.

On a more serious note, you can install an o-ring w/o lubricant and not have
any leak, the same as you may have a major accident not wearing your seat
belt and still be alive. It may work but it's not the safe way to do it. You
need some lubricant to help the o-ring slip on the bolt or pump body when
you tighten the X-Bolt. Grease is the seat-belt plus 14 air bags way to do
it, hydraulic fluid is the seat-belt only way to do it.

Last time, I simply used bearing grease but I always wipe the o-ring before
installation so there are only traces of grease, in case I'm not using the
right grease. So I don't suggest bearing grease is the right one, just that
it lasted four years but it can also be a no-seat-belt-but-still-alive case.

'96 S-Bitch with a few no-seat-belt-but-still-alive parts waiting for the
perfect Sunday
'81 Fiat Spider with a Latin temper and way too impatient to wait for

On 4/26/07, Abe Berman <yellowcuda at gmail.com> wrote:
> Peter,
> I read your old post on this in the archives, any specific type of
> grease?  White Lithium?
> Tom,
> Having owned a 200 20v, I can tell you that although many things LOOK
> similar under the hood, they are very rarely the same, so I am just
> making sure.  Assumptions can lead to unhappy weekend days of repair
> when stealer is closed...
> a
> On 4/26/07, Peter Schulz <pcschulz at comcast.net> wrote:
> > Tom:
> >
> > Nooooo....
> > Pentosin hydraulic fluid WON"T be sufficient for lubricating the O
> > ring, it will still deform, crush and allow fluid to leak.
> > Use grease instead....
> >
> > BTDT....
> >
> > -Peter
> >
> >
> >
> > At 12:45 PM 4/26/2007 -0400, Tom Green wrote:
> > >Let's don't make this difficult.  The plug simply fills a hole,  and
> > >the holes are all the
> > >same.  I don't think there is a S4/6 part number, but be assured the
> > >plug fits the hole.
> > >Would audiworld lead you astray?
> > >Since you are replacing this plug you must have a ready supply of
> > >hydraulic fluid to
> > >lubricate the o-ring for installation.  :-)
> > >
> > >Tom
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