[s-cars] worthy projects

Peter Dowker pdowker at mac.com
Sat Apr 28 13:53:53 EDT 2007

Targa Newfoundland?! I have been thinking about it for two years..  
same questions though.. urS4?

Dunno, but I would LOVE TO try it.

I suppose the ultimate q car would be a rally prepped Urquattro but..  
maybe a street/track prepped S-car would run it well..

Braking looks kinda big.. particularly after watching last years even  
on Speed.. the Porsche 944S2 entering was harbor water was  
particularly enjoyable.... (from a distance, of course)

I might volunteer mine, it's not really worth turning into a  
concourse example, but it would be lots of fun.

Lemme know if anyone else is interested, maybe we can create a  
virtual team.

Peter Dowker
1993 S4
Restoration, one component at a time.....

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