[s-cars] Bosch 044 H/O fuel fuel pump can fit what OEM

Eric Phillips gcmschemist at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 20:03:54 EDT 2007

> Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 16:18:41 -0400
> From: "Rich Palazzoli" <bing93urs4 at gmail.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] Bosch 044 H/O fuel fuel pump can fit what OEM
>         basket??
> Looking to see what OEM basket will fit the Bosch 044 fuel pump to install
> into my 93 S4!!!! any BTDT's ...I have a basket out of a V8 and it doesnt
> quite work in with the 044 pump..Will try one from a 5000 and see if that
> works ...

Rich:  My understanding is that the V8 basket is exactly the one you want.

If you go over to the UrS-car forum on Audi World, and find any of
Dave Forgie's posts (URS4Boy), the link to the FAQ will take you to
plenty of FP reading materials.

In fact, I was going to put a Bosch 005 pump in my S6 this summer -
and it's the same deal as the 044 - the V8 basket is needed.

I think you can get a kit from 034efi as well.  Ask Javad - he knows stuff.  :)


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