[s-cars] a/c capacity...recharge

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Thu Aug 2 11:14:07 EDT 2007


Capacity is 21.2 to 23 oz refrigerant and 8.5 oz of Pag oil.  The
high presssure port on the passenger side of the condenser is the only
port used and evacuated and charged with engine off.  You can only
measure the oil charge if you drain the oil (at the condenser) and
change the accumulator since an unknown amount collects there.  The
real trick is accurately measuring the refrigerant charge.

If the system is in good condition with all fans and flaps working  
correctly in
recirculate mode, the result should be about 40 F duct temperature at
95 F ambient.

The system base pressure is 113.1 psi at 95 F (engine off) and 290 psi
operating pressure with a full charge.


-----Original Message-----
> Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 18:24:47 -0400
> From: "James C. Mairs" <jmairs at cetaq-americas.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] AC Capacity...Re-Charge
> To: "'s-car-list'" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <015801c7d48a$c4c727b0$0b03a8c0 at CeTaQJCM>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
> Greetings all,
> Bentley Manuals are in route via shipping, so I can not confirm the
> following, or even if its listed.
> Does anyone know the capacity/recharge pressure amount for a 93 //S4?
> I have been following the threads here as much as possible on the  
> whole AC
> snow flake conversation, as well as a quick search in the archives.
> I have a HVAC friend who is willing to run a vacuum test on my  
> system before
> recharging it.  He doesn't seem to think it will be an issue, but  
> informed
> me I should confirm what amount of R134 should be in the system.
> He has a large amount of fittings/adapters and such, its possible  
> we may
> even just plumb in a connector with a generic fitting to make this  
> easier in
> the future.  If/when I come up with a solution I will be sure to  
> post up my
> findings... However in the mean time sitting in 93 degree heat in a  
> black on
> black S4... I have to ask...
> Anyone care to toss out a number?
> -Jim

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