[s-cars] Oil Pressure

Floyd Noel floyd.noel at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 23:48:19 EDT 2007

Well then, I'm glad I have an oil gauge. I also greatly enjoy the
carbon fiber trim. So I guess '93 is a good vintage. Are bigger breaks
the best bet for a first upgrade?
Floyd Noel

On 8/2/07, Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net> wrote:
> LOL,  I knew this was coming, Calvin.
> Obviously, Floyd shouldn't worry because he has an oil pressure
> gage.  My point is
> he shouldn't get sidetracked by the pressure going from 5 bar cold to
> 2 bar at idle when
> hot if he is using the correct oil for his ambient temperature, and
> as long as it moves up
> to 3 to 3.5 bar when the rpm increases.
> Tom
> On Aug 2, 2007, at 8:20 PM, <calvinlc at earthlink.net>
> <calvinlc at earthlink.net> wrote:
> >> The later cars don't even have an oil pressure gage, Floyd, so I
> > wouldn't worry
> >
> > Yeah, except I found out the hard way that running without an oil
> > pressure
> > gauge can cost you lots of dollars when an oil pump bolt backed out
> > on me
> > over time.  If I had an oil pressure gauge I would have noticed the
> > pressure
> > drops on stops, etc. and I could have saved myself a lot of
> > headache....instead I had to rebuild the engine.  Ever since then I
> > always
> > run with oil pressure gauges.  For non-modified cars I agree it is
> > less
> > important, but still way more important than a stinkin voltmeter
> > that the
> > newer cars replaced the oil pressure gauge with.
> >
> > --Calvin
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