[s-cars] T-Boned

Young, Steve sryoung at trane.com
Fri Aug 10 11:39:49 EDT 2007


If it helps, I sold my 95.5 S6A, 9/10 condition, 95% stock, last June
for $9500.

Maybe this will help you start to determine a price point for your
insurance company.  Good luck. 


Steven Young
Local Operations Manager
Albany Office

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of chris chambers
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 11:33 AM
To: mlbess at optonline.net; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] T-Boned


First I'm glad to hear you are ok, just imagine what would have happened
if you were in one of Korea's finest econoboxes?

An easy way to post pictures is via www.photobucket.com

Onto your questions:

1. What is the best way to recover the RS-2, 6-speed, Stomung, lighting,
etc. upgrades in the settlement?

Keep the salvage of the car

2. Can I readily buy the car back to part out or sell the vehicle
complete to one of you guys?

It's your car, they can't require you to give it up for salvage. 
Simply inform the adjuster that you will be retaining ownership of the
vehicle and they will deduct the salvage value from the proceeds they
negotiate to pay you for the loss of the car.

3. Anything else to do/not do?  I have already retained an attorney who
already has had a forensic engineer come to do an accident

Sounds like you are well on track, I would begin documenting what S6's
are selling for in similiar condition as yours. The insurance company
will most likely be making you an offer below what you feel the car was

Find documented cases of similiar condition cars currently for sale, and
cars that have sold recently that can uphold the value of your car.
Remember that while you won't have an increased value for 6-speed or
RS2 mods, you should still produce any and all repair/maintance records
(a new 6 speed is maintance) to prove to the insurance company that you
took great care of your S6 and it was in much better shape than the
average S6 is.

Other than that just work on healing and keep us informed on your

Glad to hear you are safe
--- Michael Bess <mlbess at optonline.net> wrote:

> Fellow S-Heads:
> She's gone and I almost was.
> Last Thursday 8/2 I was returning home around 4:30 PM and it happened.

> I pulled to my mailbox opposite my house (facing the wrong way on my 
> suburban residential street) to get the mail out from the drivers 
> side.  Got the mail and backed up a few feet to make the approximately

> 90 degree turn into my drive and.....Next thing I know I'm laying on
> lawn, getting ready to be transported to a trauma center (Westchester 
> Medical Center in NY).  I got home last night after having a collapsed

> lung, four broken ribs and a minor laceration on my spleen attended 
> to.
> Saw the accident photos my MD neighbor took and heard his description 
> of what apparently happened.  In a nutshell,  an F-350 pick-up was 
> traveling up my street (on the same side as my mailbox) at an 
> excessive rate of speed (30 MPH zone), didn't see me quickly enough, 
> pulled left to try to avoid my parked vehicle.  However I was already 
> cutting across the street going up my drive.  He impacted me in my 
> driveway right on the B pillar, pushed my S-6 up off my drive onto the

> rocky berm (+4 foot elevation change) along my drive pinning me and 
> the car between his front end and a small tree about
> 15' from the edge of the drive.   Doors pushed in 15", driver's seat
> broken
> from mounts; only two windows were intact.  Somehow my neighbor got me

> conscience enough to let me know that there was gas leaking and I 
> needed to get out of the Audi.  I don't know how I got out, only that 
> I ended up with
> numerous glass cuts on the legs and hands.   If anyone wants to see a
> photo
> let me know & I'll e-mail.
> So now I have a few of issues to deal with my insurance carrier 
> (Liberty
> Mutual):
> 1.	What is the best way to recover the RS-2, 6-speed, Stomung,
> lighting, etc. upgrades in the settlement?
> 2.	Can I readily buy the car back to part out or sell the vehicle
> complete to one of you guys?
> 3.	Anything else to do/not do?  I have already retained an attorney
> who
> already has had a forensic engineer come to do an accident 
> reconstruction.
> Secondly, now I've got to find a replacement vehicle (Audi, of 
> course).  My initial thoughts are for a 2004 or later S4 4.2.  
> Comments appreciated.  I suppose I could also always buy Igor's 1996.
> There will be a sale of S6 spare parts (in addition to what is 
> installed in the car) in the near future.  I'll keep you all posted
> Thanks for your continued wealth of information/.
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> Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
> Version: 7.5.476 / Virus Database: 269.11.10/943 - Release Date:
> 8/8/2007
> 5:38 PM
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