[s-cars] Wierd Request...

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 27 09:27:02 EDT 2007


If I understand your problem the steel "nuts" spin in the plastic?

Can't recall who originated this fix to credit them"

1. buy a license plate kit with 4 plastic snap in "nut inserts" and
some plastic epoxy
2. Remove plastic license plate bracket from car
3. remove rusted "nuts" from plastic bracket
4. replace the "nuts" with the plastic snap in type
5. use plastic epoxy to fill around any plastic nuts that are loose
6. shorten screws provided in kit
7. mount license plate.


--- calvinlc at earthlink.net wrote:

> Does anyone have, maybe from one of our unfortunate cars that have to
> be
> parted out, the black insert that holds the license plate bolts that
> would
> fit the rear of a '92 S4?  It's held on by two phillips screws that
> reside
> behind the license plate when it is on.  One side of mine is not able
> to
> hold the nuts that hold the plate screws anymore so I can't keep the
> license
> plate from rattling.  Thanks!
> --Calvin
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