[s-cars] 1993 Audi S4 for sale

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Fri Aug 31 11:19:37 EDT 2007

Reminds me of my brief time with an older 124 series MB 
turbodiesel. Freaking car would *not* go in snow, even with new 
Nokian RSis. Was always sideways whenever the road had any white 
stuff on it.

I love quattro.


'01 quattro
'99 quattro
'97 quattro
'96 quattro

On Fri Aug 31 06:50:49 PDT 2007, David Kase 
<davekase at pdqlocks.com> wrote:

> I picked up my M3 in Chicago.  On the way home I stopped at a 
> rest stop to gas and go.
> As I started to pull out in a light drizzle across a huge empty 
> parking lot, I spied a full size, 20 year old Dodge van full of 
> people, shit strapped to the top and sagging badly in the back.  
> It was lumbering along the curb to take the entrance ramp back 
> onto the highway.
> I ain't following that POS.  So I roll out in first, slide it 
> into second and roll on the throttle.  Right as I got along side 
> the lumbering chuck wagon, I punched it and my newly acquired M 
> went into a lazy donut and a half as the van load of folks 
> watched.
> After the car came to a stop the van bounced by.  I calmly put 
> the car and gear and eased onto the ramp behind them with my head 
> hung low.  Just another jack-ass in a BMW, I was...
> Kase
> pkrasusky at ups.com wrote:
>> And whattayamean Dave your E36 ///M3 "barely cut it in the rain" 
>> - my E28 ///M5 was almost more fun in the rain.  Er of course 
>> that is if you consider using your sidewindow as a winshield up 
>> wet on ramps - in a foreverdrift (giddyfun!) as being "more 
>> fun"...  or if you like to hone your hydroplaning skills @ 
>> anything 81 and over.  That's as white as your knuckles can 
>> get???  Naa, dare ya to add 2mph.  Heh heh.
>> My useless 0.02.
>> -Paul
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