[s-cars] My butt momentarily in a BMW

Steve Voit stevevoit at comcast.net
Mon Dec 3 12:15:45 PST 2007


I spent some time in a BMW dealer and checked out the 535xi:  Smooth turbo
engine, sport seats, manual trans, 4wd, Sporting character.  Table-flat
torque curve from 1400 to 5000+ rpm.

I have stayed away till now because of bangle/ego/all that BMW stuff but was
lured by manual tranny option.  Didn't drive the car but will put it on my
long-term-shop-list-for-car-in-3-years.  Biggest repellent is iDrive and
what it does to interior style.


Also checked out 330xi coupe: same specs, no iDrive, much more appealing
body.  This is on my list with the A5.


Nothing sacred about 3 years except that's when I only have 1 college
tuition payment.

Steve, takin' a superficial romp at lister's expense, V.

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