[s-cars] My butt momentarily in a BMW

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Dec 4 12:04:37 PST 2007

Heh, Steve, I *defy* you to tell me otherwise.  They're always the
owners with the ///M3 hat, ///M3 shirt, ///M3 gloves, ///M3 underpants,
and are general all-round "BimWads", as I've coined.  Incapable of
appreciation of ANY marque other than BMW, and usually have either
moustache and/or small peepee syndrome.

Just sayin'.  Shoe / fits.

-Paul toolbox but not BimWad K.

ps.  *of course* I had the obligatory mullet back in the ragin' 80s,
along with my parachute pants - yeah!


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Powers [mailto:sbpowers at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 2:59 PM
To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK); s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] My butt momentarily in a BMW

IROC?  Hah ha.

maybe you need a mullet Paulie...



On 12/4/07, pkrasusky at ups.com <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:
> Dave pricked:
> <<<Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2007 15:38:18 -0500
> From: David Kase <davekase at pdqlocks.com>
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] My butt momentarily in a BMW
> I will not do without awd and do not
> like being assumed to be a prick while driving.
> David Kase>>>
> Ah...  so it's OK otherwise then...  cool.
> 8-)
> I never felt like a prick in my ///M5.  Acted like one, sure, but
> felt.  Maybe b/c it wasn't the German Iroc that the ///M3s have become
> (their typical owners nowadays).
> This feeling is unfort. 16quajillion-fold in a red 930.  Yeah I know
> heartsa bleedin for me.  I think I'll start donning some of them thick
> black glasses with bushy eyebrows, stash, and funny nose.  Tho I'm not
> really "around" anyone enough to be, um, seen.  Maine to CT Sunday was
> 1:15.
> Uh, ummmmm, ooops.
> -Paul also a prick K.

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