[s-cars] I have angered the gods...

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Fri Dec 7 08:38:25 PST 2007

Paul misfortuned:

<<<Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2007 10:37:35 -0500
From: Paul Luevano <paul at clarity.net>
Subject: [s-cars] I have angered the gods...

	45 hours after taking delivery of my new 95.5 S6, I was rear
<bangs head on table>  No major damage, just some scuffed paint, and a 
collapsed bumper shock, but 45 hours after getting the car?!?!

	His insurance company will take car of it.

	I'm going downstairs to make a sacrifice or something....>>>

Wait a sec here...

This is to the car you just got to REPLACE the one that was recently

WTF?  That's seriously f'd up.  Holy crap that blows, crazy.


I've always WISHED I'd have "that" happen to me - tho my luck it'd be an
uninsured d-bag.  Light bumper scuffs can lead, your, ahem, "advantage"
if you play your cards right.  

Not that I know what I'm talking about.  Not that I'm suggesting
anything.  Not that I had that happen to my UrS6 or recently to Wifely's
car or my 951 friend here had it happen to him last month and not that
it worked out "well" in any of those instances.

Or like something and stuff and things, I think.

YMMV.  Allegedly.  Conjecture / hearsay.

-Sgt. Schultz

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