[s-cars] My butt momentarily in a BMW

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Fri Dec 7 11:02:58 PST 2007

Taka FU'd:
<<<From: Taka Mizutani [mailto:t44tqtro at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 8:01 AM
To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
Cc: QSHIPQ at aol.com; tedebearp at yahoo.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: My butt momentarily in a BMW

	Paul, you're one to talk- the 930 is pure original 911 with a
sh*tload of power put on top- manual brakes, manual steering, no
electronic nannies for anything. That's the f'ing sh*t- they drive so
"pure" that is something you don't find any more. 
	F you, I'm jealous. :-)
	Taka >>>
	A month and a few thousand JNR / WOT miles into it, I tell ya
it's an experience to behold like no other.  It's been a LONG time since
I've driven a car sans ABS (save the 3.99kq, which doesn't count) and
that does take some adjusting to.  
	But yes, the pure visceral all-out rawness to the untainted
unjaded unbiased experience is truly engaging.  It *demands* your best
moves when provoked and rewards you accordingly.  I'll become a better
driver as its result, to boot.
	Interesting datapoint...  my 1:15 ME to CT drive featured a G35
entanglement.  Maybe modded who knows.  I could pull on him sans
downshifting but I'll give that thing credit, it did manage to just
about "keep up".  I'm sure he had the lit wick and the thing was fully
boiled in doing so.  Love to find the G forum and read his version of
the account 8-).
	Anyway, thanks for the FU!  Kase just sent me his daily reminder
actually...  love it.  Waiting for Scott S. to call me a dick again,
it's been too long heh heh.

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