[s-cars] Need advice re: engine stand for AAN

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Sun Dec 9 21:03:22 PST 2007

I built mine on what sounds like a similar $59 generic engine stand.? However, I never put it on the stand with the flywheel.? It fact, I would ask why?? If you're going to tear down and rebuild, you certainly don't want the flywheel attached to the crank.? If you leave it on, you'll never be abe to remove the crank from the block.

Just an observation.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Forgie <forgied at shaw.ca>
To: s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Sun, 9 Dec 2007 6:41 pm
Subject: [s-cars] Need advice re: engine stand for AAN

For reasons not entirely justifiable, I have acquired a spare AAN from Gabriel 
Caldwell who is parting a pearl on black 93 with significant rear end (body) 
damage.  We got the engine out of the 93 and into my 98 C4 Avant on Saturday:


I purchased an assemble-it-yourself engine stand (1250 lb max) and was going to 
retreive the engine from the avant today.  However, despite removing the clutch 
to get more clearance, I still need more "stand off" and longer bolts than what 
I have (4" long 3/8" bolts) for the attachment arms.  Looks like I need 4.5" 
bolts (at least).  I used washers to get more standoff with the engine stand 
arms but I need more or I need to cut some pipe to create spacers so I can clear 
the flywheel.

The 3/8" bolts seem to be the largest size that will clear all the holes in the 
"bell housing" area of the block. 

Anybody with BTDT photos of something they have rigged up to do this (with the 
flywheel on)?


Dave F. 
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