[s-cars] Choosing a mechanic

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 10 12:25:14 PST 2007


Stay away from the dealer, odds are they won't have a mechanic
that is familiar with your car. In fact they might claim no such
car ever existed!

Where are you at, it'll make it easier for informed listers to 
provide a recommended mechanic if they know where you are.


--- Floyd Noel <floyd.noel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> I am in need of a mechanic for my urS4, and was wondering if anyone  
> that's BTDT had some advice on choosing one for these cars, or if I  
> should just take it to a dealer. There's a lot of smoke coming out of
> the tail end these days.... TIA
> R/S
> Floyd Noel
> Sgt/USMC
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