[s-cars] Valve Cover Gasket procedure? Also my '95 S6 for sale in NYC.

Azeem Elahi azeem.elahi at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 18:52:59 PST 2007

It's my turn to replace the valve cover gasket, so I just wanted to get the
list's advice regarding any tips or tricks.  I don't have a garage, so I
plan on doing this in my work garage tomorrow.  I checked the AW faq, but
there was no reference to valve cover r&r procedures.  Would one of you kind
souls help me out with a step-by-step?  Or is this as simple a job as I
imagine (planning on doing this over lunch break)..

Also, if anyone here is looking for or knows someone looking for a '95 S6
(silver on black) for sale in NYC, please direct them to me.  I'm in NYC
until the end of next week, and am willing to sell the car here before I
head back to Chicago.  I realize this is quite short notice, but just
thought I'd post it in case there are some serious buyers out there on the
list.  This is my audifans ad from September:
Price is firm at $6000.

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