[s-cars] Brake pad recommendations on a 2001 A6?

Harold McComas HaroldMcComas at comcast.net
Wed Dec 19 07:45:41 PST 2007

My dad just emailed me asking for recommendations for pads for his 2001 A6 
2.7T. He is in North Dakota so they need to work at -40F as well as at 90F. 
:-) He washes the car once a week so dust free would be nice. No racing pads 
needed. I "think" I had a set of Repco Metalmasters ( possibly  Mintex Red 
Box, I don't remember) on my old '85 GTI that caused my sphyncter to pucker 
the first time I tried to brake at 10F. I thought I had no brakes going 
towards a stop sign leading to a busy street.


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