[s-cars] Current draw/dead battery "a short story"

Jim Furdyn audijim at comcast.net
Wed Dec 26 14:15:26 PST 2007

Current Draw/Dead Battery....a short story.

I got home today, removed the left and right foot well trim/covers exposing
the relays and circuit breakers. On the right relay panel, I removed the aux
coolant pump relay and the circuit breaker. I also removed the other relay
and circuit breaker on the other end of the panel. The relay looked good (as
far as the pins looked) but the circuit breakers looked horrible. There
might be some heavy corrosion in there. I think I have some spare C/B's to
try. I'd like to take the covers off the one I removed today. With any luck,
the battery/voltmeter will indicate normal voltage when I take a look at it
tomorrow morning.

This concludes the short story! LOL!

Das Ende


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