[s-cars] I want my MPG

Floyd Noel floyd.noel at gmail.com
Wed Dec 26 21:12:23 PST 2007

Thanks, I'll check that out. My non-audi friend thought it could be  
the fuel filter as well. Any thoughts?

Floyd Noel

On Dec 26, 2007, at 21:05, Michael Wakefield <S4Quattro at comcast.net>  

> Check the water temperature sensor on the back of the head. if the  
> ECU thinks the engine is cold, it will run very rich.
> Mike Wakefield
> On Dec 26, 2007, at 9:39 PM, Floyd Noel wrote:
>> Listers,
>> My s-car has been getting horrible mileage lately (around 11.5) and I
>> have been trying to diagnose the problem. Power seems like it has  
>> gone
>> down as well, but my butt dyno isn't the most accurate, and it still
>> has way more than my work Malibu. It also seems like to me that there
>> is more smoke coming from the tailpipe than I would prefer on cold
>> mornings, but in the daytime it is not really a problem. I just
>> replaced the spark plugs recently, not much difference.   From the
>> research I've done, it seems like it might be the oxygen sensor, and
>> I'm not sure when the last time it was changed, so I figured it
>> wouldn't hurt to change it. Are there any other things I should
>> consider or steps I should take? I bought fuel injector cleaner as
>> well but haven't used it yet.
>> TIA
>> R/S
>> Floyd Noel
>> Sgt/USMC
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