[s-cars] S4 no start

Mark Strangways StrangConst at rogers.com
Wed Feb 7 23:24:00 EST 2007

I don't think the ecu is the problem.
I would look to the intake sensor, with it at such a low reading it would be 
the cause of the very rich mixture.

When any car that I have fails to catch, fires for a sec but does not run 
on, then I will crank it and hold the throttle wide open. This will help 
clear the fuel and should get the mixture to revert to default levels.

My guess would be a shorted or open sensor or wire somewhere.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jack Gagnon" <bullitt at gwi.net>
To: "S-Car-List" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 10:02 PM
Subject: [s-cars] S4 no start

> I've got a few problems and need some help here.
> Problem 1:  car sits for two days, go to start car and battery is dead.
> Problem 2: Jump start with another vehicle.  Starter turns over fine but 
> car
> does start. It fires for less than a second and dies.  Ty several times,
> several hours apart, no go.  Get car towed to local shop.
> They leave car in shop over night and the car starts fine.  They fix 
> battery
> drain and replace sticky brake cable.
> I pick up car this morning.  They say they started the car at 6:30 am 
> after
> siting out overnight without any problems.  I try to start it and it fires
> and dies immediately, no start again!
> The spent some time on the car today without success.  No codes.  Getting
> spark, getting way too much fuel.  They are getting some strange readings
> form some fo the sensors.  Intake air and coolant temp readings are -56.
> The shop is not sure why these readings are so funky.  Any ideas?  It 
> might
> be a bad solder joint in the ECU?  They intend to pull the ecu and look
> around for a bad solder joint and reseat the chips.
> Anyone got any ideas?
> Thanks
> Jack
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