[s-cars] For Sale, 1 Soul

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Thu Feb 8 21:14:02 EST 2007

Taka Mizutani wrote:
> Kent-
> What kind of mileage did you get on your drive?

I don't know -- we used his card at the gas stops.  He says he
gets about 14 MPG, but he admits that he keeps his foot in it.

> Tell your boss in a nice way that summer tires in New Hampshire this 
> time of year is dangerous and unwise.

You tell him. :)

> Increasing the throttle in low-traction turns?!? That's not too smart 
> either. I wonder if the
> ESP light was flashing while you were doing this.

I don't know. There are so many lights on the dash (navigation, HVAC,
lots and lots of lights; it's like a Lite-Brite board), I don't know
if I could find it. Besides, I was busy at the time sliding the
boss's car. ;)

Funny story: for a while, we followed a big front-end loader.  He
pulled over to let us pass. A while later, someone was relating a
story how he was cut off by a big front end loader, which caused him
to find the snowbank. (Said victim is from SC. Maybe he can't drive in
snow, although his Honda Element has AWD.) Someone else came along
and pulled him out. The stories turned to helping pull people out
of snowbanks. I guess that is a winter sport in Maine.

> I'm sure the Recaro seats helped in keeping you from getting 
> uncomfortable on that long drive.

The butt did get sore, but a push of a (seat adjustment) button
changed pressure points and alleviated it. Firm, but comfortable.

> I guess you've validated the axiom "there's no replacement for 
> displacement." :-)
> B6 S4s are nice, although they're quite thirsty.
> Coming from a C4, did the lack of space bother you?

We had plenty of room, but the boss says it does get cramped
when his family is on board. Innerds are definitely smaller
then the C4.

With the time, money, and space to work on it (or just enough
money to pay someone to do it), I think a 4.2L V8 stuffed into
a C4 S6 Avant would make a nice package.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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