[s-cars] Quattro.... there is no substitute

Pollock, Thomas thomas.pollock at amd.com
Thu Feb 15 09:52:41 EST 2007

gots to chime in on the quattro thing.  We had around a foot of a combination of snow/sleet/frozen rain/snow. My first chance to try the new winter bomb in the white stuff... (99 avant)   I had picked up a used set of 8" 4.2 rims shod with 235/45 Blizzaks and was curious how they'd do.  A test run in the back yard was pretty impressive. A foot doesn't phase it but the road was a different story. It wants to go straight.... 8-(   I think it's a combination of a slight missalignment and these big wide snowies.  No white knuckling but I really can't flog it like I  used to be able to flog the 94 100csq (of Youtube fame).  Next winter I'll go skinnier.....

It AIN'T gonna get stuck though ! 8-)



 |  _______                                                   |
 |  \____  | Advanced        Tom Pollock                      | 
 |  /|   | | Micro           thomas.pollock at amd.com           |
 | | |___| | Devices         Voice: (978) 795-2534            |
 | |____/ \|                 Fax:   (978) 795-2555            |

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