[s-cars] 16" steel rims - fit '96 S6

Tom Winter tom at freeskier.com
Fri Feb 16 20:10:49 EST 2007

Too late! I put on some old 16" Borbets that I had and now am running those
for the winter rubber.

I shoulda checked Tire Rack, all the local folks only had 15" rims. It
seemed like the 16" steel ones were hard to find. But then I generally
(cheapskate that I am) was looking for used rather than new. And of course
you tell me that they are available now, even though I posted that I was
looking for a replacement a month ago! Where were you when I needed you?

Regardless, if it's obvious, then I'm sure to miss it! ;-)

Besides, the ol' Borbets will work great, as I have a beautiful nearly new
set of similar rims courtesy of Mr. Matt Ludwig, a lister here who gave me a
sweeet deal on them, thank you very much, sir. The "Ludwigs" will be my
summer look. Very stylish, word up!

And those old steelies always seemed to collect a bunch of ice and snow on
the inside lip, thus throwing them waaaay out of balance when things went
from sloppy to frozen. Which, I must admit, happened too many times in the 3
months I ran 'em for me to like it or want to revisit the shaaaky shake ever

My vote? Steelies make great spares. But for winter driving? Not so bueno
with the way they collect ice and melted snow on the inside of the rim,
which then freezes when the car is parked overnight, thus making your
morning cruising a little wiggy at high speeds. And I'm in a relatively "dry
snow" climate. . .

'95 S6 Avant (with nice winter rims and even nicer summer ones)

On 2/16/07 5:04 PM, "JAM" <jscarstuff at charter.net> wrote:

> Tom,
> I hate to reply with something obvious but......
> did you check the Tire Rack to see if they've got one for it?  I've got a
> full set of steelies that I use in the winter and I'm pretty sure they came
> from Tire Rack.  I just checked and it the website says they have them "in
> stock".
> HTH,
> Jason Mawhinney
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tom Winter" <tom at freeskier.com>
> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 10:19 AM
> Subject: [s-cars] 16" steel rims - fit '96 S6
>> Hi all. I've given up on finding a replacement winter steel rim for my
>> snow
>> tires and taken off my 16" steel rims. I tacoed one of them on a rock, but
>> 3
>> are still good.
>> These seem to be fairly rare, and if someone is looking for a 16" rim for
>> a
>> full sized spare, or needs a replacement, I'll be looking to part with the
>> 3
>> good ones (for cheap). The 4th is so trashed that unless you're a
>> magician,
>> you probably won't get your tire to hold any air when using it.
>> Contact me off list if you need/want a 16" steel rim (basic black)
>> I'll be traveling for the next week or so, but can hook you up upon my
>> return.
>> Colorado location of buyer would be best so I don't have to hassle with
>> shipping. To be honest it's probably not worth the $ to pay for shipping
>> unless you really, really want/need one. $25 each (not including
>> shipping).
>> Tom
>> '95 S6 Avant
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