[s-cars] NAC: GT3RS - muwhahaha - pardon

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Jan 2 14:46:02 EST 2007


Following up to last month's inquiry on any known '07 GT3RS allotments
for my best friend... well...  the F bastid ***got it***.
BOINGoingOINGoingOING - major WOOD.  Guess he's going to 'add' it to the
'04, which I've made him promise I get
extendedextendedextendedextendedextended terms upon - sooooome day.

July build apparently.  Gonna be orange / black.  I'll be joining him
during his spec-out visit, oh my.

Verymuchso looking forward to this summer, oh yes.  

Paul giddy in CT K.

ps.  bumped into a former client @ lunch just now, apparently picked his
girlfriend up a neu ///M5 last week.  I'm supposed to go "look" at it
tomorrow - think happy thoughts of KEYS for me would ya???

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