[s-cars] output DTM test problems

Aaron Ryba aaronryba at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 2 19:45:11 EST 2007


I have not been able to initiate the output DTM per instructions in the SJM website. I also tried actuating the throttle as instructed in Bentley when using the VAG 1551 too (which I am however not using). Bentley states to check circuit breakers S72 & S75 but I have not been able to find such components listed in Bentley's CD. It also asks to check the fuel pump.

My car runs fine, is it possible one of these breakers is faulty and that the car still runs well?
Where and what are these breakers?

Does anyone have a list of all the part listings for electrical devices,....G40, N75,....etc.?

Aaron Ryba
95 S6

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