[s-cars] Subject: NAC: GT3RS - muwhahaha - pardon
Theodore Chen
tedebearp at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 3 14:23:52 EST 2007
so what are the trouble spots on the RS6?
as for the transmission, there are plenty of strong automatics.
i just don't know if any of them are german.
--- Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, you're covered with the warranty, aren't you? :-)
> If you blow the trans, maybe you can convert it to manual.
> I never really warmed up to the RS6, but maybe that's because I don't have
> enough
> seat time in one- I've only had two looooong test drives in them
> (unsupervised, fun runs).
> The RS6 has too many maintenance issues- the engine is so tightly wedged
> into the car that
> I can't see much of anything being easy to service. That's a car that would
> get really expensive
> in terms of labor costs for a lot of things, and I thought the B5 S4 was
> bad. I'm also more than
> a little leery of using an automatic transmission to put that much torque to
> the wheels- I know
> that MBZ runs a ton more torque in something like a S65, that's probably
> just an irrational concern.
> Taka
> On 1/3/07, pkrasusky at ups.com <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Yeah, totally agreed Taka - you'd have to be a wicked glutton (um,
> > hmmm... Mikey _does_ qualify), or be rather well backed to afford the wear
> > and tear on a used out of warranty RS6. Run for the hills, I say.
> >
> > Hell, I'm hoping I dodge that bullet on the UrS8 even. I better.
> >
> > Judging from what (little) I could see of Mikey whooping my //S8 while
> > (pathetically "attempting") to keep pace in his 356B, I'd say Mikey Likes
> > It. My guess is he'll have one come spring. $17.9k for an '02 with 60k???
> > Dayum.
> >
> > FWIW - I still chuckle maniacally while piloting der beast, daily. Its
> > pretty darn cool, in so so many ways.
> >
> > -Paul friends with cool cars / jalopies for self K.
> >
> > ------------------------------
> > *From:* Taka Mizutani [mailto:t44tqtro at gmail.com]
> > *Sent:* Wednesday, January 03, 2007 8:12 AM
> > *To:* Mike Platt
> > *Cc:* Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK); s-car-list at audifans.com
> > *Subject:* Re: [s-cars] Subject: NAC: GT3RS - muwhahaha - pardon
> >
> > RS6? You're really wanting to subject yourself to torture then, when you
> > start
> > paying maintenance bills on that one.
> >
> > I'd stick to the S8.
> >
> > Taka
> >
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