[s-cars] build week

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Sat Jan 6 20:43:21 EST 2007

Mike Fitton wrote: "Does that mean that the plate in my driver's door
that says 11/95 means late March of 1995?"

Mike: While I'm not an expert, based on setting up the Monster Survey a
couple of years ago, and observing build dates on many UrS cars, the
answer to your question is NO!.  11/95 = Nov. 95 and without knowing
anything other than you are in the 'States, if you have an S6, then its
a 96 spec 95.5 with an SN121xxx VIN.

However, if you are really curious, Audi America can tell you when your
car was built to the week (and maybe the day) if you give them the VIN.

Dave F.

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