[s-cars] items wanted

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 13:53:35 EST 2007

FWIW, my friends C4 100CSQA is WAY slower than even an autobox
A4 chassis VW. And, while I don't think the C4 is up to the later car's side
impact standards,
it is not without actual door impact beams (heck, even the type 44 has
rudimentary ones, located within the exterior rubber side moldings, they
were simple metal strips that distributed impact loads
across the face of the doors, so not actual beams, but better than nothing).

As for the "visibility" thing, I find that wagons have hindered rear view
compared to sedans, particularly comparing my Saabaru to my //S6. Heck,
comparing my friends 100CSQA to the //S6. So, I, like, like djdawson, smell
a rat.

I can see it now...A6 wagon 4sale. Shag carpeting and custom interior
lighting. Sale force by father....


On 1/8/07, djdawson2 at aol.com <djdawson2 at aol.com> wrote:
> Hmmm...
> Teen son wants a wagon for "improved visibility and utility."  I smell a
> skunk.  Putting myself back about 26 years, I'm thinking that "utility"
> equals "love machine."
> Just humor...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lee at wheelman.com
> To: t44tqtro at gmail.com
> Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com; quattro at audifans.com
> Sent: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 7:52 AM
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] items wanted
> Taka,
> I'm generally in agreement with you regarding the manual
> transmission. If he was interested in sedans, we would have gone
> that route. However, he really wanted a wagon, both for the
> utility and the slightly better rearward visibility.
> And I wanted a slow, safe, relatively large car for him. I don't
> have much fact behind this, but my gut tells me that the C4 A6 may
> handle accidents better than later model VWs...
> He's a teenager and he has ADD. The latter drives his likelihood
> of accidents up by a factor of 200-300%, and a sporty car with a
> manual would only accentuate this...
> If a Volvo 240 were available with AWD... :)
> Lee
> On Mon Jan 08 06:36:34 PST 2007, Taka Mizutani
> <t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm a little disappointed- I would have hoped that you would
> > teach your
> > son to drive manual transmission and have him get a manual
> > transmission
> > car!
> >
> > I feel that this is a useful skill that a lot of people are
> > lacking these
> > days.
> >
> > I would have gotten an A4 chassis Golf/Jetta 2.slow if you're
> > sticking w/
> > VAG- safe car, relatively easy to work on and fairly simple,
> > compatible with
> > VAG-COM that I'm sure you already have and also relatively new.
> > With a
> > manual
> > transmission, they're not totally bad, they have great brakes and
> > available
> > ESP on the later cars. Not reliable but a lot simpler than an
> > S-car. :-)
> >
> > Taka
> >
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