[s-cars] N(//S)C

Pasqualoni, James E james.pasqualoni at gs.com
Tue Jan 16 10:34:34 EST 2007

Coolest thing about the manual V8 was that you can so very easily break
the rear end free...with throttle alone!  What a fun car that thing is.
Highly recommended.  Nice score Ron!  I dare ya to tell them what ya
paid for it heh heh....


	From: pkrasusky at ups.com [mailto:pkrasusky at ups.com] 
	Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 10:27 AM
	To: Pasqualoni, James E; s-car-list at audifans.com
	Cc: ron_01056 at yahoo.com
	Subject: RE: N(//S)C
	I know nuthhhhhhing...  nutttthhhhhhhing.
	And I said minimal JNRage, not _none_ - that would be


	From: Pasqualoni, James E [mailto:james.pasqualoni at gs.com] 
	Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 8:38 AM
	To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK); s-car-list at audifans.com
	Cc: ron_01056 at yahoo.com
	Subject: RE: N(//S)C
	A few other things worth mentioning:
	-Fellow JNR Team Member 'Terry' also dropped by for a while...
	-The Belgian Dip was done on several occasions.  "That's how we
do it in Belgium".
	-Paul's //S8 didn't suck to drive either.
	-Jim has to learn to stop changing fuel filters inside the
garage.  D'oh...
	-Chad, bro-I just ordered a rotor and was sent the WRONG one.
Thanks for posting that bit.
	So happy to have an Avant back in the 'fleet' heh heh...


		From: pkrasusky at ups.com [mailto:pkrasusky at ups.com] 
		Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 12:02 PM
		To: s-car-list at audifans.com
		Cc: ron_01056 at yahoo.com; Pasqualoni, James E
		Subject: N(//S)C

		Yeah, so no //S content.  //So? 

		Humourous Tolland Antics with minimal JNRage (always a
good thing) last night - well humourous depending on who - most "normal"
kinds would cry DORK.  Soooooo...  Mr. ItsaV8 Hisself...  Captain Ron...
came by last evening to rendezvous with Jim Who's Audi Is It Anyway
Pasqualoni - tough to keep up with that man's latest exploits I tell ya.


		How often you have one of what, 155 or so '91 200tqa's
in  yer driveway (or 2 or three or 7 if yer Peter S.)?  Big deal right?
Well, Jim's is Lago / Platinum, apparently a kissingcousin to Lister
Chad's with the now "Aireated" crankcase.  Whatta f'n PURTY CAR.  Jim
apparently harvests such things from the little known Field of Time
Capsules and you hit 88 and you're Back to the Future.


		So again, big deal. 
		Then Captain Ron shows up, ItsaV8 now being donned on
one of whatty...  like...  68 or 73 or something '91 V8 5spds???  Ron
you DAAAAAWWWWWG.  Black / platinum, 200k, sorted, solid, clean (clean
being relative, it did have an um footprint on the rear fender??????
		What an amazing stoopid little car.  Very solid, a real
blast and a half to drive!!!   
		Proud of you Sir Ronaldo - who better can I think of to
be bequeathed such Cardom to oversee and Empire.  Good fer you. 

		That is all.  Which isn't much. 

		-Paul more issues - more Blaming Baloney - K. 
		CT and stuff 

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