[s-cars] N(//S)C

CLAG500 at aol.com CLAG500 at aol.com
Tue Jan 16 20:37:21 EST 2007

Hey Paul,
   Yes I've been Ron'd. He really cheered me up after blowing my  motor. 
Invited me to a GTG not far from my house and I met a fellow who ended  up turning 
me on to a brand spanking new 3b short block only 2hrs  drive from my house. 
Good  Carma with this one!! 
   Those are great screen names. When I saw Jurq on AW I laughed  my ass off 
really regretted not coming up with something more creative.  

In a message dated 1/16/2007 11:31:02 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
pkrasusky at ups.com writes:

Yes Chad that er waaaaaaaas aimed squarely  @ you 8-).  

Jim's "JURQ" gets Comic Book Guy's  "_Best_ScreenName_Ever_" award IMHO - tho 
a near tie to my buddy  Jimmaaaaaaay's (500E / Smallroad) AW name of 
"DEUTSCHEBAG".  He doesn't  post there often I don't believe tho.

Both are ohsovery fitting, they  are.
So you've been Ron'd, Chad...  good  fer you!  Ron's a trip, and that car is 
Good luck on your Project Less Porous 3B or  something and stuff.  D'oh!
-Paul not Particularly Right  K.

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