[s-cars] Heated Washer Nozzles

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Wed Jan 17 13:30:00 EST 2007

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I have a jug of custom, deionized, distilled, baptized, guaranteed  
water with the same qualities..."provides protection against freezing  
down to 32 deg. F"

- -Ian.

On  17 Jan 2007, at 12:52:00PM, Theodore Chen wrote:

> speaking of washer fluid, mine froze during a trip to lake tahoe this
> past weekend (where the temperature hit -5 degrees), and the  
> windshield
> washer didn't work at all.  when i got back to the bay area and the  
> car
> warmed up, the low washer fluid went on.  i refilled the washer  
> reservoir,
> only to see the fluid dripping out below the car.  :(
> haven't had a chance to look at it closely yet.  but i did look at the
> label on the bottle of blue washer fluid.  it says "antifreeze" and  
> then
> "provides protection against freezing down to 32 deg. F".
> -teddy
> --- Vincent Frégeac <s.sikss at gmail.com> wrote:
>> With a mix of summer fluid and water at -8C, I don't think the  
>> open circuit
>> heated washers are the problem. Remember, this will only heat the  
>> washers,
>> not the tubing, pump, tank, etc. where the mix will keep freezing.
>> I found that the heated washers are only useful when you leave the  
>> car for a
>> week or more and the alcohol evaporates in the washer nozzles.  
>> Except that
>> particular case, the only solution is to use a washer fluid that  
>> does not
>> freeze in winter.
>> At least, change for a mix of winter fluid (any -40C), preferably  
>> pure
>> winter fluid. I've not seen yet a winter fluid that will react  
>> with Rain-X
>> or stain the paint. Some summer fluid does some weird thing  
>> depending on the
>> detergent but usually winter fluids don't. I've also found that  
>> the cheaper
>> the winter fluid the best. All the fluids with fancy additives  
>> such as
>> Rain-X and similar does not leave the windshield as clean as the  
>> no brand
>> name, .99¢ a gallon, blue stuff.
>> My .02¢ of washer fluid
>> Vincent.
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> De : s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
>> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] De la part de Mark  
>> Strangways
>> Envoyé : 15 janvier 2007 11:00
>> À : Sean Douglas; 'S Car List'
>> Objet : Re: [s-cars] Heated Washer Nozzles
>> I have never found that windshield washer fluid stains the  
>> paintwork, I find
>> it odd actually that it would.
>> Sounds like it may result in a few lawsuits :-)
>> You can get a winter mixture of rain-x that will not freeze, I  
>> believe you
>> mix that with some water (not sure, from memory of years ago).
>> My choice is the blue fluid, for winter windshield washer and  
>> summer water
>> injection, good stuff all round.
>> Except I have to buy it by the boxes in the winter because they  
>> don't seem
>> to sell it in the summer, just that detergent crap.
>> Mark (side tracked on a snowy day) S
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Sean Douglas" <quattro20v at telus.net>
>> To: "'Mark Strangways'" <StrangConst at rogers.com>; "'S Car List'"
>> <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>> Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 10:47 AM
>> Subject: RE: [s-cars] Heated Washer Nozzles
>>> I would run 100% washer fluid but I find that the alcohol reacts  
>>> with the
>>> windshield treatment (Rain-X) and smears, while straight water or a
>>> mixture
>>> of winter fluid does not.
>>> Also, the alcohol tends to stain the paintwork.
>>> Sean
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Mark Strangways [mailto:StrangConst at rogers.com]
>>>> Sent: January 15, 2007 6:07 AM
>>>> To: Sean Douglas; 'S Car List'
>>>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Heated Washer Nozzles
>>>> 1st suggestion... run 100% washer fluid.
>>>> 2nd replace washer jets, if they are at 500,000 ohms then they  
>>>> are open.
>>>> Mark
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Sean Douglas" <quattro20v at telus.net>
>>>> To: "'S Car List'" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>>>> Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 7:03 PM
>>>> Subject: [s-cars] Heated Washer Nozzles
>>>>> I'm trying to diagnose my heated windshield washer nozzles.
>>>>> I'm getting 12V at the connector and the resistance across each  
>>>>> nozzle
>>>> is
>>>>> about 500K ohms. Bentley does not seem to have a spec for this.
>>>>> To be honest, not sure if they are working, but in -8 Celsius, the
>>>> washer
>>>>> fluid is frozen. Perhaps, it's frozen in the plastic tubes?
>>>>> I'm running about a 50/50 ration of washer fluid to water.
>>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Sean Douglas
>>>>> 1997 S6
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