[s-cars] ETKA 7 install instructions

brian bilotti vinnieb2 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 18 20:00:41 EST 2007


I raised my hand too(as being one of those that don't
know what to do with a rar.file...) and I don't work
with fabulously expensive equipment...
--- Eric Phillips <gcmschemist at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 18:39:57 -0500
> > From: auctionpics at cox.net
> > Subject: Re: [s-cars] ETKA 7 install instructions
> > To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> >
> > I hope people know that even Nero will let you
> burn the .iso
> >
> > its hard to understand how in this day and age
> people don't know what to
> > do with an rar or iso file
> Dave, that's pretty harsh.  I work with fabulously
> expensive
> scientific instrumentation all day long, and never
> have the need for
> knowing such things.  My PhD wife knows even less.
> I'm sure, to a professional, this stuff is child's
> play.  To folks
> like me, it's arcane voodoo.
> Go easy on me, OK?  Back in the day, I knew a thing
> or two about
> computers and networking.  Nowadays, I'm lucky if I
> know how to
> navigate from one porn site to the next.
> Eric
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