[s-cars] Car runs like crap under load

Jason Butler jwbutler at wispertel.net
Sat Jan 20 16:51:29 EST 2007

OK it is not the coils,  My coils off the car run just fine on the S6 I 
think it is got to be a fuel problem.  I think the new pump isn't 
maintaining enough flow or pressure when you hit the accelorator hard. 
Because the first time you hit the accelorator it is great the car throws 
you the back of the seat but if you stay on it, it starts to sputter then it 
is nothing, no cylinders then all cylinders for a second then none, as if 
the fuel pressure isn't high enough to push through the injectors.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <calvinlc at earthlink.net>
To: <keithbedard at verizon.net>; <jwbutler at wispertel.net>
Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 1:45 PM
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Car runs like crap under load

> When I had my coil problem I simply replaced all the coils and boots.  The
> coils that were still working had small cracks in the insulation on the
> wires leading from the POS to the coils.  You can do this piecemeal but I
> think the results inevitably lead to pulling your hair out.
> --Calvin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of
> keithbedard at verizon.net
> Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 12:01 PM
> To: jwbutler at wispertel.net
> Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Car runs like crap under load
> Jason,
> For the past two weeks, I have been dealing with the same problem as you -
> my car had been running like a "Bucking Bronco" not only after 5 psi of
> boost, but also upon light/"grandma" acceleration from a red light.  A
> couple night ago, I went to check if my plugs were tight.  Two of them 
> were
> a little loose.  I tightened them, and while there, discovered that one
> spark plug boot (middle coil) had heat/electrical arcing damage on the end
> that connects to the coil.  The rubber was burn/worn about 180 degrees
> around the top, therefore that area of damaged rubber was about 1/2 the 
> wall
> thickness of what it was (in fact, the area is where the Audi logo and 
> part
> number WERE, but now that info does not exist).  Now, the car feels better
> when starting from a stop, but it now has exactly what you described - 
> over
> 5 psi of boost, it runs like crap under load!
> Recenlty, my problems with the car was the typical high boost stumbling,
> caused by a failing coil.  Therefore, over the past 6 weeks, I had already
> done the coil voltage test with one of those high voltage spark testers 
> that
> Chris Chambers had described, and have changed two or three coils.  I last
> did the voltage test about two weeks ago, and they all seemed fine, 
> shooting
> a wide gap spark.
> I am pulling my hair out with the current runs-like-crap-over 5 psi, and 
> am
> nervous to change more coils.  Please let me know if you find the culprit,
> and if others reading this have any ideas or experience, I would 
> appreciate
> the info!
> Take Care,
> Keith Bedard
> Templeton, MA
> ----- Original Message -----
> The way the car runs it does not react the same as a boost leak, I have 
> had
> numerous ones of these before.  It will creat full boost for a bit then 
> miss
> a little and get worse from there until the engine cuts out completely 
> then
> it will fire again the cut out then fire and so on.  Almost like the fuel
> pump can't keep up.  Could this be from a failing coil that is dumping
> unburned gas in the exaust causing the O2 sensor to lean out the engine 
> and
> cause further cylinders not to fire? Thus making the exhaust even richer 
> and
> so on.  I have my wifes S6 so I will be swaping parts today.  Thanks all 
> for
> the advise
> Jason
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "chris chambers" <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>
> To: "Jason Butler" <jwbutler at wispertel.net>; <s-car-list at 
> audifans.com>
> Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 7:21 AM
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Car runs like crap under load
>> Jason,
>> if it only happens under load I can think of two things to check.
>> 1. boost leak - fix is to find boost leak and fix. In order to do this
>> you will want to build a boost tester, which is basicly household PVC
>> fittings with an air pressure valve on it. Here are pics of my first
>> one.
>> Basicly it's a pvc cleanout -
> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/chrisanjenn/Audi%20S4/Press_Test_1.jpg
>> Assembled with your choice of air inlet valves, be it a tire stem or
>> air tool coupler.
> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/chrisanjenn/Audi%20S4/Press_Test_3.jpg
>> With this version of the tester you disconnect the house that attaches
>> to the outlet of the MAF and clamp the hose to the tester. This allows
>> you a way to pressurize your boost hoses and look for leak(s). Now I
>> found that the MAF hose tended to leak, and not being a pressurized
>> hose that didn't matter. So I added a reducer to the cleanout with a
>> section of ~2"pvc pipe and connected mine to the hose that normally
>> is connected to the outlet of the turbo. Sorry I don't have pics of it.
>> 2. failing coil - What is happening here is that the coil is weak, it
>> puts out enough spark to fire with no boost, but when under boost it
>> missfires and the car develops a miss. If it feels like the car is
>> missing you will want to check your coils. The easiest (non pro) way
>> I found was by using a adjustable spark tester (as pictured below)
>> http://www.thegrillstoreandmore.com/image/products/big-pics/375319b.jpg
>> What you do is remove the bolts holding the coil pack in place and
>> flip the coil pack over, I placed mine on a piece of wood. It's also
>> been advised to pull the fuel pump fuse to prevent washing your
>> cylinders with fuel. Connect a ground cable to the end of the tester
>> and press the other end into the cpark plug connector. What you will
>> be doing is have a partner then turn the engine over and check for a
>> spark jumping the gap. Check each cylinder and then increase the gap,if
>> you have a bad coil eventually you will get a gap large enough that one
>> of the coils won't have a spark and the other 4 do, at this point you
>> have determined which coil is the weakest.
>> Obviously other more informed S-car gurus will point out any error(s)
>> in my suggestions, which I welcome.
>> HTH
>> Chris
>> --- Jason Butler <jwbutler at wispertel.net> wrote:
>>> I have somehow pissed the Audi gods off, within the last three weeks
>>> I've
>>> had a timming belt that slipped three teeth a blown tire a bad fuel
>>> pump and
>>> now this.  The car is a '93 S4 with stock everything.   It Idles fine
>>> and
>>> drives ok with no load on it but if I get over 5 PSI boost it cuts
>>> out and
>>> stumbles.  I get a code of 2342 which is O2 sensor, ignition problem,
>>> fuel
>>> tank empty (it's not this one), air leak etc..  anyone have any BTDT.
>>> things I've done in the last three weeks
>>>     Replaced timing belt.
>>>     Replaced water pump.
>>>     Replaced Spark Plugs.
>>>     Replaced Fuel pump.
>>> Any advise would be apreciated
>>> Jason
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